Orateur : Aude PENOUTY

Oikonomia is the greek word for economy + ressource management. We are all responsible for what we share, for making our economy matter and for the fact that our ecology is being consumed. All performance, even individual, requires team work, whether within a brand or a sponsor, and each member is a guardian of the shared home.

Two of Eurosima’s core actions are to raise awareness and to encourage development. Here is a conference that will bring you to rethink CSR performance according to your own context, while providing you with tools to make your own choices. In sports, performance is an objective, so in a world that needs to be rethought, how can we redefine the concept of performance?

« We need a mindset focused on progress, not perfection. »   Claudia Richardson, all birds, in charge of material innovation.

The economic/climate crisis is cross-sectional, universal, individual and systemic. It creates interdependence of sourcing, ecodesign, purchasing, production, retail and end of life management. One of the most democratic solutions available within our industry is the idea of circularity, which can help us all manage our shared home: Planet Earth and Mother Ocean*

It is through this concept circularity that, together, we will define this ecosystem with an evolving legal framework, its limits and its solutions. 60% of fashion directors have already invested or are considering investing in closed circuit recycling by 2024 (source BOF). What about you?

*Ocean Mother according to Nelly Pons in her book « Océan Plastique, enquête sur une pollution globale. » (Plastic ocean, an investigation into a global pollution)