The company

TOADS is an European sourcing and trading office operating in Bangladesh. Our H/Q is based in France and our sourcing/production office is in Dhaka.
We are a medium and flexible organization specialized in Knit and Woven products for the surfing brands in Europe, Australia and USA.
We want to make it easy for our customers, so from development to production, TOADS offers an exclusive and complete service with short delivery times, good quality products and customized services.

Manager : Christophe CASTERA
Year of creation : 1985
Number of employees : 3

Contact the company

Site web :
Tél. : +33 (0)5 58 41 86 99
E-mail :
Adresse : TOADS SARL - 4, rue des résiniers - 40130 CAPBRETON - France
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