European news with ADI N-A & EEN

With the ADI N-A (Agency for Development and Innovation) and the EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), we submit to you a selection of information and key events in Europe that could be interesting for the Action Sports sector:



From 28 to 30 June, in Turin, Italy.

The International event of bilateral meetings supporting your business to innovate and to grow at international level, focused on : FASHION and TEXTILE Manufacturing| ACCESSORIES | SPORTSWEAR| ACTIVEWEAR| WATERSPORT TEXTILE | FASHION DESIGN AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES

>> More information here


Making the Right to Repair a Reality

April 27, 2023, free webinar.

The Right to Repair movement has been gathering steam across Europe and beyond. This is reflected in the EU agenda, with the need to promote repairability and long-lasting products stipulated in the European Green Deal and the EU Circular Economy Action Plan. In light of this, repair has been integrated into various EU policy files, including product policy and consumer legislation, with the most recent development being the 'Sustainable Consumption of Goods - promoting reuse and repair' initiative.

>> More information here



June 5 & 6, 2023, at Congress Center 1931, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

The Circular Textile Days is a business event that offers a great opportunity for meeting new partners in the sustainable textile business and for discovering and discussing innovative circular textile solutions. A broad selection of companies and institutes show their new sustainable, circular solutions. The entire textile-chain is present, from recycled yarn to eco-design garments, reusing materials and high-tech recycling. Visitors are expected from various textile industry segments, from B2B end-users to fashion brands, retailers, educators and students.

>> More information here


Catalog of circular products manufactured in the Basque Country

The catalog, entitled "20 years of ecodesign. Made in Euskadi", available in both physical and digital formats, is the first in Europe to compile a broad list of product categories from ten industrial sectors. The publication illustrates how lifecycle analysis methodologies have been applied to substantially improve the environmental impact of these products and to serve as an example for the European industrial sector. The catalog, the first of its kind in Spain, compiles individual data sheets containing the main characteristics and aspects of each circular product, dividing them into ten sectors, namely the chemical industry, the metal sector, furniture, automotive, food, production and consumption, machinery, transport, electric-electronic, and the construction materials sector.

>> More information here

>> Download the catalog here


EU exports of used textiles in Europe's circular economy

Textiles are on average the fourth-highest source of pressure on the environment and climate change from a European consumption perspective, as shown in previous EEA briefings. Europe faces major challenges managing used textiles, including textiles waste. As reuse and recycling capacities in Europe are limited, a large share of used textiles collected in the EU is traded and exported to Africa and Asia, and their fate is highly uncertain. The common public perception of used clothing donations as generous gifts to people in need does not fully match reality.

>> More information here

>> Download the report here