
Digital marketing manager


The Digital Marketing Manager is responsible for helping the marketing and communications managers define and implement a brand's digital strategy. Doing so, he/she must ensure that all operational elements of digital projects (websites, mobile, tablets) are carried out according to the company's global strategy. He/She is also responsible for developing and enhancing activity on the main social networks.


- Participating in the implementation of advertising campaigns - Developing video contents for various digital platforms - Developing video distribution channels - Basic management of online and TV data and contents - Providing assistance for web marketing projects - Ensuring maximization of business and digital online platforms


Skills/know-know - Advanced proficiency and knowledge of video editing software - Excellent proficiency and understanding of IT tools and the Internet - Excellent proficiency and understanding of photoshop and html language - Solid understanding of social media - Fluent English Profile - Innovative anc creative - Good oral communication skills - Ability to quickly adapt to new trends and technologies - Persuasive


No specific training 3 to 5 years of professional experience in online related positions and/or online community management projects.