
European consumer panel study


Auteur : NPD Group


This study analyses the evolution of turnover generated by 15 to 35 year olds from a pool of benchmark boardsports brands relative to that of generalist sports brands in the 5 largest sportswear markets in Europe (France, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain). It covers all products excluding those unrelated to board sports.

The consumer panel study measures the market share of a pool of benchmark boardsports brands relative to that of generalist sports brands by country, by gender and by type of apparel or footwear.


The objectives of the study are:

  • To analyze the evolution of the assortment purchased by 15 to 35 years old in the 5 majors European countries.
  • To analyze the evolutions of the 15/35 market by country and gender, with an additional distinction made between apparel and footwear.

The panel measures the market share of boardsports brands in comparison to the benchmark pool in pertinent dimen­sions: country, type of apparel or footwear, gender.

This analysis aims to provide possible product development orientations for boardsports products in Europe by highli­ghting the strengths and weaknesses in the assortment.

  • To analyze distribution in the 5 major European countries.

– by channel (including direct distribution, internet, fashion distribution, sports distribution…)

– by brand name

This analysis aims to shed light on the specific opportunities to be found in distribution, in the current context of strong distributor brands and direct distribution of certain brands.

  • To define purchasing motivations in the 5 major European countries.

By weighing how spent turnover is perceived, this analysis provides better comprehension of the different motivations that boardsports brands may have compared to traditional brands at a given time “T” and relative to previous years. Furthermore, the study provides insight into which sports or specific product families may have an incidence on this perception in time.


About NPD Group: NPD Group is one of the largest market research companies in the world. It tracks spending and have dedicated experts and analysts in about 20 countries.


Deliverable is: A Power Point presentation summarizing the key facts (64 pages).