Mental keys to serenely evolve in challenging contexts
Speakers : Madeleine MALONGA , Anaëlle MALHERBE

Madeleine Malonga and Anaëlle Malherbe have been working together since 2017. They will freely share with you how they built their performance path to two Olympic medals at the Tokyo Olympics.

The career path of a top-level athlete is very similar to that of managers, executives and corporate players. 

Anaëlle, who has worked for several years in the field of Psychosocial Risks and HR, and continues to support managers, highlights the keys to performance and well-being that can be useful to everyone. 

Madeleine will share her anecdotes and experiences in this race for performance, in which the search for balance is a constant challenge. 

Come and ask your questions and share your thoughts freely with these two speakers from atypical backgrounds.