Référentiel Surfrider Europe & EuroSIMA

A unique collaboration for the environment: Surfrider Foundation Europe


EuroSIMA, an association at the heart of the European board sports industry, and Surfrider Foundation Europe, a leading NGO for the protection of the ocean, have joined forces. This collaboration has given birth to an innovative environmental standard, dedicated to guiding the boardsports industry towards more sustainable practices. This unique benchmark is the culmination of collaborative work between the teams of our associations, all united by the desire to preserve our most precious playground: the Ocean.


Clear objectives for a strong impact

Our shared mission is clear: to help our industry reduce its environmental impact and align itself with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The challenges are defined around five major axes:

  • build a sober economic model,
  • adopt responsible communication,
  • stop harmful chemical discharges, reduce plastic use,
  • and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


A practical, evolving guide

The reference tool, co-constructed by EuroSIMA and Surfrider Foundation Europe, is intended as a practical decision-making aid. It provides detailed information and advice to help companies identify the environmental issues specific to their activity and draw up appropriate transformation plans. This evolving resource will be regularly enriched thanks to ongoing exchanges and collaboration with industry players.


Exclusive access for EuroSIMA members

Dans un premier temps, ce référentiel précieux sera accessible exclusivement à nos membres sur demande. Nous encourageons vivement tous les adhérents d’EuroSIMA à solliciter ce document. C’est une opportunité unique de faire avancer votre entreprise vers un avenir plus durable, tout en contribuant à la protection de notre environnement marin.

Pour nos membres intéressés, contactez-nous pour obtenir ce référentiel et commencez votre processus vers une industrie de la glisse plus respectueuse de l’environnement. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une différence significative pour notre planète. Rejoignez-nous dans ce mouvement vers un avenir plus vert et plus durable !


Act now for the future of our playgrounds: download the guidelines and get involved in your company's ecological transition. Our teams are ready to support you at every stage of this essential transition. Together, let's preserve our Ocean, at the heart of our passion.


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