Sports Agent

Sports agent


Like the team manager, the sports agent's role is to manage the athlete's career. He is in charge of managing his image, his communication, his promotion and the follow-up of his contracts. He is constantly solicited by the media, partners/sponsors and competition organizers. It is a person with multiple skills, reactive and knowing perfectly the environment in which the sportsman evolves.


Like the team manager, the sports agent's role is to manage the athlete's career. He is in charge of managing his image, his communication, his promotion and the follow-up of his contracts. He is constantly solicited by the media, partners/sponsors and competition organizers. It is a person with multiple skills, reactive and knowing perfectly the environment in which the sportsman evolves.


Organize all the activities of the athlete
Ensure the interface between the brand and the athlete
Order all the products (clothing, shoes, accessories) worn by the athlete
Draft the contracts and ensure their proper application
Ensure the athlete's attitude and behavior
Take charge of the elaboration and follow-up of the budgets


Connaissance et intégration parfaite à l’environnement de la glisse
Maitriser les techniques de communication et de négociation
Savoir établir et / ou gérer un budget Savoir-être
Relation de confiance avec le rider
Disponibilité maximale
Patience et écoute


To be part of the snowboarding environment is essential to be credible and respected. Training in management and communication is preferred for this type of position