
Emergency mountain rescuer / Patrolman


The role of an emergency mountain rescuer is to act as a snow patrol rescuer indeed, he/she is in charge of ensuring safety prevention and maintenance of ski slopes and all ski/accessible areas. He/She must provide first aid care to injured patrons, search for lost avalanche victims/patrons and inform the public of the dangers of mountain environments.


Slope safety and signalisation
Slope opening and closing
Avalanche risk surveillance
Public/ patron information and prevention
Victim evacuation and providing first aid


Overwhelming knowledge of mountain environment
Excellent skiing skills
Attentiveness and poise
Ability to make decisions and take action under pressure


For basic mountain rescuer positions, the national certificate of mountain rescuer level 1 with a specialization in cross country or downhill skiing is mandatory. To obtain the appropriate certificates (AFPS and CFAPSE) candidates must be 18 or older and have an excellent level in skiing. Candidates may then apply for level 2 after two seasons working as a mountain rescuer to become a level 2 mountain rescuer/patrolman. Finally, three years later, the certificate of master mountain rescuer confers the right to teach.