Artisan work



The glasser is the person who comes in right after the shaper to stratify the board. After shaping a board, it must then be strengthened with layers of cloth and resin. The techniques are the same as those used in boat manufacturing or automotive body part repairing (polyester resins and epoxy, open mode manual stratification, air brush stratification, sandwich technique...). The glasser must provide a board with the best compromise of flexibility, lightness and strength. He/she must also be a decorator and therefore must master decorating painting techniques.


Board stratification and repair
Decoration (occasional)


Ability to work quickly
Precision/ attention to detail
Manual skills
Good physical condition
No allergies to paints or solvents


Diploma of metal worker (metal worker, preparer...)
Diploma of Nautical operator (stratifier-shaper, multi process operator, composite technician...).